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Student or ‘Union’ Council is the highest decision-making body within the Students’ Union. The role of the council includes:

  • Represents the voice of students at the University of Wolverhampton
  • Set the policy of the Union
  • Where appropriate, update Union policies
  • Shape the strategic direction of the Students’ Union through reports and motions

Student council is currently comprised of the following positions:                                                                      

Chair of Union Council - Opeyemi Bamiro

SU President - Bisola Olatunji

Vice President Academic - Yetunde Adedipe

Vice President Community and Welfare - Oluwafunbi Babatunde

Vice President Diversity - Opeyemi Adeyemi 


2x Faculty Council Representative (FABSS) - Keith Brown, Madiha Tamanna

2x Faculty Council Representative (FEHW) - Imadeyunuagbon Ekunwe, Bhoke Kiranga

2x Faculty Council Representative (FSE) - Genevieve Awaogho, Owhonda Nwokekoro

6x Society Council Rep - Olufunke Akinbode, Temitope Adeyelu, Leigh New, Abayomi Olayiwola Oni, Olalekan Babaola, Blessing Aideghonghon Okarah

Campus Council Rep (Telford) - Jodie Storey

Campus Council Rep (Walsall) - (vacant)

Campus Council Rep (City) - Meena Chand

10x 'Open' Seats - Akash Adhikari, Benjamin Philip, Dahlia McHardy, Eloise Fowler, Ezekiel Emmanuel, Frank Olalekan Johnson, Sheila Passey, Izuchukwu Agim, Grace Otche Abuo, Muhammed Babatunde Folorunsho


Please note names and remits of these positions may change over time as Byelaws are reviewed and approved.


The council meets at least three times per academic year to scrutinise ideas submitted to council to create policy for the Union, so that students have a direct input on what the union and the officers work on throughout the year. The council is also a place where members can hold officers to account – questioning their progress with campaigns, activity, and policy work, ensuring they are working to keep the promises made in their manifestos and addressing key student issues.



Each motion (idea) submitted to council will be discussed at a council meeting. After discussion, and any amendments are made, council members will vote on whether they think the SU should support the motion. Vote outcomes are calculated by Simple Majority Vote (50% + 1), so if more than half of members present vote to pass the motion, it becomes mandated policy, and the union and officers must work on it.

Any registered current student can attend a council meeting as an observer. These students are allowed to speak for or against a motion.

Motions are reviewed after 2 years, where council will vote on whether to continue this policy.

If you would like to discuss your motion in more detail with a member of the SU team, please contact Nat at


Being an elected member of council is a voluntary position. Elected members are expected to attend all meetings throughout the year they are elected, so note the dates and times before nominating yourself.



The dates for council meetings this year are as follows. Provisional dates are in italics.

  • Tuesday 30th April, 11am - 2pm, Teams.
  • Thursday 30th May, 11am-2pm. Teams.
  • Friday 28th June, 11am-2pm. (TBC)


Please note, the dates and times for council meetings must be confirmed by the Council Chair, as such, they are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated to council members via email.



We plan to run council meetings in person initially and hope to host council meetings at City, Walsall, and Telford campus on a rotating basis. This can be revisited throughout the year according to members’ schedules and preferred meeting option (online or in-person). Some council meetings may have to happen virtually due to the time of year and to ensure maximum attendance.


If you need more information or have any questions, feel free to email



Mandate – an official order or commission to do something 


Manifesto – a declaration of policies or aims  


Policy - a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.  


Scrutinise – examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. 


Action Motions - These are motions that require the SU to take a one-off or short-term action, like supporting an event or signing an open letter. They only need a simple majority at one Council.

Policy Motions - These are motions that require the SU to take a longer term stance or campaign for a change. These are presented at Council for information and then voting members have until the next meeting to consult their constituents on the policy, before a vote is taken. 


Amendments - To make a minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.


Agenda - a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting


Accountability - the requirement and expectation to justify actions or decisions. To be held responsible or accountable.


Transparency - decision-makers and decision-making processes being open, honest and visible


Scrutiny – close examination and critical observation of an authority


Democracy - ‘is system of Government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives’


Representation - the act of speaking or acting on behalf of others. Representatives making decisions on behalf of people.

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