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The University of Wolverhampton Students’ Union (Wolves SU) works in partnership with the University of Wolverhampton (UoW) to ensure that Student Voice is being heard. Student Voice is a crucial part in initiating positive change within the University- Wolves SU looks to ensure every student is getting the best value for money for their course, that students are listened to and heard, and that their student experience is enhanced because of it. We take great care to making sure that the valuable feedback gained through representation mechanisms is not lost and an environment for honest, fair and balanced dialogue is nurtured.

Academic Representation is the network of students who look to ensure every student has a platform to voice concerns they may have on their course and their wider University experience through the Student Voice system. We lead a network of over 600 Course Reps who volunteer their time outside of their studies to gather views and feedback from their fellow students and communicate this information back to their departments at key meetings throughout the Academic Calendar. Along with a provision of 16 School Reps who are paid employees here at the Students’ Union whose focus will be on all areas of their individual School/ Institution. They will be a key link and support to the Course Reps and build a strong working relationship with the key Stakeholders within their School/Institute.

Wolves SU Student Representation 20/21- University Staff Guidance [PDF]

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