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Support for Students with Caring Responsibilities

Financial Support

Students registered on Full Time courses are unfortunately not eligible for Carer's Allowance.  However, the University of Wolverhampton hardship fund (Dennis Turner Fund) criteria will take this into consideration when you apply.

The Dennis Turner Fund (DTF) was set up by the University of Wolverhampton to continue supporting students in hardship.

Most DTF awards made will be non-repayable, but is a means-tested application process, which will usually look at whether you have maximised your income (earning potential) before you applied.  If you can provide appropriate evidence of your caring responsibilities (“appropriate evidence” being a letter from a doctor or consultant detailing the caring role, a local authority carer assessment, a letter from a Carers Centre, or DWP correspondence regarding withdrawal of Carers Allowance due to starting University), an assumed income for the purposes of any award calculation, will be disregarded.

You can apply through your e:Vision account, under the Finance and Bursaries tab.

For more information about bursaries, emergency funding and other forms of financial support available from the University please see


Student Finance England Adult Dependants' Grant (ADG) is a means-tested grant for students who have an adult dependant. You can apply for this grant through Student Finance England, at the same time you apply for your student funding, or as soon as you think you might be eligible. You can find out more about the ADG at


Family Action is an organisation which provides small Welfare grants and Educational Grants to people in need. All applications must be made, on-line, by a suitable referring agency (not by individuals). Suitable referring agencies include: statutory agencies or charities that provide health or social care; housing associations; probation services and GP’s. Eligibility for grants available nationally (including London) include;

  • Older People:  Support to promote independence; improve the quality of life and isolation for those aged 60 and over
  • Disability/Sickness:  Support to pay for disability aids that will benefit the applicant in their home  
  • Mental Health:  Support for adults (over the age of 18) with a clinical diagnosis of a mental health problem
  • Domestic Abuse:  Support for families or individuals who have recently experienced domestic abuse

See for more information.

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Pastoral Support

University Student Support and Wellbeing services and Wellbeing

Offers free, professional, confidential support to all students at the University including face to face sessions and online services.


Chaplaincy Student-support/the-chaplaincy

The multi-faith team of Chaplains are experienced in offering guidance, advice, support and spiritual direction. What you say to them is kept confidential

Local Authority Social Care Services

Your own Local Authority can provide assessments of need and support for carers as well as the adults and children they care for.

Contact details for some of those most local to the University are given below. Otherwise, you can find the contact details of your Local Authority using


Wolverhampton City Council

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

Telford & Wrekin Council

Burton Upon Trent (Staffordshire County Council)

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

Birmingham City Council

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Online Support/Communities

(in alphabetical order)

Alzheimer’s Society

Providing information, advice and support to people living with dementia and their carers


Carers Trust

Providing local services and support for carers and online support


Carers Space

An online community for any carers over the age of 18.


Carers UK

A national organisation providing advice on financial and practical matters related to caring, where you can talk through your caring situation with a trained volunteer who has experience of caring and understands what you are going through.


Macmillan Cancer Support

Information, support and resources for people affected by cancer, including carers.



Providing support to people affected by mental health issues and their carers.


Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA)

If you are living with or close to someone with life-limiting Motor Neurone Disease (MND)


Multiple Sclerosis Society

Providing information, support and resources to people with Multiple Sclerosis and their carers.


National Association for Children of Alcoholics

Provides support to children and adults of any age who are concerned about an addicted family member.


National Autistic Society

Provides support for people with autism and their families.


Parkinson’s UK

Provides support for people with Parkinson’s Disease and their families.



You can contact the Samaritans at any time to talk to someone about any problems that you may be experiencing.


Stroke Association

Provides support for people who have experienced a stroke and their families.

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Last reviewed: May 2022

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