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School of Social Sciences and Humanities


Francis Blincoe

Currently studying:

Hi! I’m Francis, one of the reps for the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. I am completing the final year of my undergraduate degree in War Studies and hold a particular interest in Arctic geopolitics and warfare.

Why I chose to become a School Rep and what I would like to achieve in the role:

I am a passionate advocate for students and have delivered on my promise to improve the student experience here over the past three years. I held similar positions at my previous Students’ Union in Worcester before joining the University of Wolverhampton. Since joining ‘the pack’, I have led two societies and served on the Students’ Union Council as the Societies representative. I have previously worked in politics at a local, national, and international level, as well as holding various positions in public and private sector services, both in the UK and abroad.

If you see me around the University, don’t be afraid to say hello and have a chat. You can find me at any of my drop-in sessions around the University on a weekly basis. Currently, these are:

Drop in sessions:

Tuesday 10-12:30 in the Humanities Social Space (MX109)

Wednesday 10-12:30 in the Social Sciences Social Space (MH002)

Friday 11-2 in the Students’ Union (MD061)

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