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NUS Annual Conference Delegate Candidate: Mohammed Naveed


Vote Mohammed Naveed for NUS Delegate

Now more than ever we are in need of a strong fighting NUS to take the student movement forward. As your NUS delegate, these are the issues that I stand for:

Accessibility to Education: with rising fees and cuts to education funding, we need to take measures to widen access to higher education and ease the burden on students who want to further their studies. Education is a RIGHT, not a privilege.

Anti-Discrimination: whatever form it takes, hate crime is unforgivable. We need strong campaigns to combat hate and fear-mongering as the safety of our students is paramount, whilst making sure not to infringe on our civil liberties by SPYING on students or limiting freedom of expression. 

Supporting diversity: University students come from an all range of backgrounds, whose needs aren't always catered for. Part-time, mature, student parents; all require different support to help enrich their university experience. I stand by supporting these students and improving their provisions. 

Global solidarity: we've witnessed amazing revolutions recently in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world, being led by students for the better good of their people. We need to support that change, and be part of it.


I have been the chair of the Islamic Society for 2 years now, and believe that I have dealt with a huge range of issues that perfectly equip me to further represent OUR students and make their voice heard.

So please help me make a change.

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