School of Pharmacy Updates

keep playing in the snow because I have got you covered

I am so happy to be blogging again and letting you guys know what i have been doing all this time and where i have been hiding-  your course reps are doing such a great job in being your voice and taking up your concerns. 

I have made sure that lecturers give you good feeback and ways to improve.

That any COVID related topics have been covered and answers to all your queries whether it be accomidartion, buses or the university facilities such as libraries. 

I am working on getting students what they paid for which is lots more xontact time and teaching. also, leta get some extra help dont you think.

I will update you on eveything that goes on and be very transparent with you. 

keep going! you got this! hard times never last!

keep breathing, mediatating and hydrating!

peace and love!
