School of Humanities Updates

Semester 1 Summary

Hi Everyone,

So, we are in the middle of lockdown again, it’s the hight of the pandemic and we cannot see the end yet. We are all growing more and more frustrated at staying indoors, everything is closed, online learning is remaining with no chance of even stepping foot onto campus and we are all told to stay positive. (‘Staying positive….. what even does the word positive even mean???? I think I have forgotten.) Anyway, there is some hope with the recent breaking news of all adults in the UK receiving the first dose of the vaccine by September 2021. It could mean we are all back on campus by September and nearly back to normal.

So, what did I do in Semester 1:

Semester 1 went off to an interesting start with the beginnings of blended learning. Some of you loved it, some of you hated it. I discovered that online learning and technology do not always work smoothly. I have put all student concerns and worries to various meetings and staff members and action have been taken to improve this part of the student experience.

It has also been highlighted to me the mental health struggles of students. This has been something I have pushed out in meetings as this needs to be taken seriously. There are lots of things that the university offers to help students and the key thing is to have knowledge of what is available. I have and will continue to encourage the promotion of the services available, one in particular being Together all. This is an online mental health service that offers help from councillors 24/7. Or there are online courses that you can work through in your own time. For more information here is the link:

You can even watch one of the school reps talk about what together all can do. The video is available through the school reps page on the SU website.

Timetabling was also an interesting addition to the feedback I received from students. But I am sure its fine now……………………………. (If anyone is still having problems please email me or you can email any course leaders or module leaders as they will know by now when the events for there modules are taking place)

Anyway, looking into the start of Semester 2 there is lots to look forward to. The university staff in the school of Humanities have been working very hard to deliver a high quality of teaching from home. Even though we cannot be on campus they aim to maintain support and deliver you the teaching you deserve. The Student Union will also be holding many events online for you to get involved in. Here is the link to check out the events:

If you have any questions, or feedback then please get in touch. My email address is I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

Thank you, stay safe, take care and remember to try and stay positive!!! :)