Institute of Health Updates

keep calm and carry on studying

Good afternoon,

So, the past 2 weeks have seen a large amount of uncertainty and anxiety for many students, Course reps have been working hard having virtual meetings and discussions with the university to keep feedback flowing.

What has become apparent is there does seem to be a lack of understanding towards staff, yes, they are in paid roles, but no amount of planning would ever prepare them for an event like Covid-19 and the impact it is having. Please remember staff have families, from the institute of health many are being pulled back into practice to support the efforts of the NHS. Staff are also working tirelessly to ensure students get to complete their degrees, yes, the path has changed, and parts of courses are being re-written to ensure we all graduate with a quality degree. Morale is low at the moment and targeting this towards staff using petitions, requesting refunds and negativity on social media will only make their efforts feel pointless.

I personally and I know many will share this opinion applaud the university and all  the staff for the speed in which efforts are being made to get studies back on track.