School of Social, Historical and Political Studies Updates

Weekly Update: 28/05/2021

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well and are keeping safe. Weather is gradually improving and I believe most of us are now winding down towards the end of our studies. Here's hoping we can go into this upcoming Summer ready to enjoy the break and the nice weather.

I am still here to support you for the next couple of months, so please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anythign worrying you!

I have been working again today and wanted to share with you all what I have been up to:

  • I have read through my latest e-mails relating to student issues and I am now all caught up on these.
  • I have checked for the latest updates in relation to Coronavirus from the University ready to pass this onto students as and where necessary.
  • I have checked through the Microsoft Teams chat channel for any messages and I am now all caught up on these.
  • I have contacted some of the student WhatsApp groups that I am in to make students aware that I am working today and am available to assist with anything they need.
  • I have contacted the School Rep. WhatsApp group to let them know that I am working today and can assist with anything they need.
  • I hosted a School Rep. Drop-in session recently via Microsoft Teams where I assisted several students with various concerns which have now largely been resolved.
  • I have been preparing a 'Handover Guide' for the next School Rep. who will take my place once I have finished in my role in the next couple of months.
  • I have been assisting students with various issues which have now largely been resolved or are in the process of being resolved.

And that's it for me today - short and sweet!

If you need anything from me, please do not hesitate to get in touch. My work contact e-mail is:

Take care everyone and I am here if you need me!

Kind Regards,
