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Saul Brolly
for Academic Officer

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine."

About Saul

Coming from the far north to a city where few understand my accent, the journey through University has taken me on many adventures, academic and not. From experiencing 3 years of University life from the first essay to writing the discussion to your dissertation, I believe I understanding the issues and skills necessary to fulfill my promises and to enhance the academic experience of every student at this University.

Saul's promises

  1. Ensure an entirely holistic approach to representing and researching members' views
  2. Identifying the priority academic issues and delivering only effective and well-research campaigns
  3. To lead with an individual initiative tailored for the individual interests of the diverse range of students' interests
  4. Ensure an entirely diplomatic yet firm stance for representing, discussing, and campaigning academic issues
  5. Ensuring the highest profile to promote the officer team and UWSU

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From experiencing 3 years of University life, academic support, and the approach to representing and researching academic issues and interests of the students, I believe it's time for a new stand that sees both the holistic approach to interests, and the individual tailored representation of the diverse set of interests here at the university.

I'm focused on improving the academic reputation and capabilities here at the university to support students with events, campaigns, and providing the amenities to support and enhance the academic development of individuals through their years spent at this University.

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