About Us

Gaming Society for more information email wolvesgamingsoc@gmail.com

The objective of the Gaming Society is to provide students with a friendly community of people who share a common interest in gaming.


We play classic board games such as settlers of Catan and Carcasonne, and also newer games such as Descent and Zombicide. Card games get played too, magic the gathering is played by a number of the members. We also play non trading card games too, such as Mai star, Love Letter, Citadels, Munchkin etc, but it does depend on what people bring along. If you own any games you wish people to play please feel free to bring them with you and I am sure someone will want to play. Don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with any of the games as we're always willing to teach new games to people. We also play role playing games too, such as D&D, savage worlds, world of darkness. 


Meetings are Mondays and Fridays 6pm-10:30pm held in Millennium City (MC) Building's Cafeteria. Our meetings are already under way so feel free to pop in and say hi and get involved in some gaming. We are all a bunch of geeks with many different types of interests, so I’m sure you will find some fun new things to try.
