
Black Country Women's Aid Stalking and Harassment Service supports women who are experiencing stalking and harassment. Stalking means persistent and unwanted attention that makes you feel pestered, harassed and threatened. This can include a range of behaviours, but the important thing is that you find it unwanted and unwelcome. Stalking can happen to anyone. Most people know their stalker in some way, but some people don’t or may have only had a brief encounter with them.

Stalking can build up slowly over time, and it may be very subtle or even feel flattering at the beginning. This this can make it hard to recognise. Stalking can also go on for a long time, which can make you feel overwhelmed and worried that it will never stop.

However, stalking is a crime and is not something you should have to put up with. If you feel concerned this may be happening to you, drop in and speak to a worker from Women’s Aid who can support you with help and advice. For more information on the service click here. If you are in danger call 999 immediately.