
The University of Wolverhampton Students’ Union is holding an All Student Meeting on Wednesday 20th January via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7337675924 . The meeting will take place from 3pm – 5pm. There will be a BSL interpreter in attendance at this event.

This meeting is your chance to raise your voice, shape your Students' Union and improve the student experience at the University of Wolverhampton.

I'm confused, what's an All Student Meeting?

Each academic year, the Students’ Union holds an All Student Meeting, sometimes referred to as the Union General Meeting (UGM), or the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

The purpose of the meeting is for members of the Union (that's you, our students) to:

  • Hear from the Officers on what the Union has been doing since last year;
  • Formally present the accounts, giving you a chance to see how we spend your money;
  • Approve the list of affiliations of the Union;
  • Provide an opportunity for Student Members to ask the Officers questions;

If you are unable to attend but would still like to ask a question of our Officers please send this to marketing.wolvesunion@wlv.ac.uk