
Us - Three Top Quality Circuit Comedians
You – Don’t even have to leave your sofa
What’s not to like!

We have a great line up of comedians for the Laugh and Let Die comedy night, exclusively available to University of Wolverhampton Students.
You would normally have to pay around £20 to see these guys on the circuit, and you are seeing them FOR FREE! And from the comfort of your own home/halls!

On our Wednesday 20th January show we have:
MC Harriet Dyer (BBC3, BBC4, Absolute Radio)
Mike Newall (Britain’s Got Talent)
Micky P Kerr (Britain’s Got Talent)                                

BSL interpretor present

Join using this link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8090679702?pwd=SWlnbWdhU2htTWZvQjZpWHg0dnlKdz09 
Passcode: WOLVES