Celebration of Black Excellence - "Our Dream". Friday 27th October 5pm.
An evening of celebrating the rich diversity in black culture. Experience the talent, involvement and achievements of Black individuals across the local community from talks of triumphs to performance. Come along to this event, not just as a spectator but a pillar of support to strengthen the black community.
5:00 - DJ 5starkid
5:45 - Talk from Bethune about ACCI their service and mental health within the Black community
6:00 - Samantha Kamga (Spoken Word )
6:30 - Talk from the local MP Eleanor Smith about her involvement with the community
6:45 - Beatsabar (John Paul talking about his business and how he got to where he is today)
7:00 - Tia Fuller (Dance piece based on slavery)
7:15 - Talk from David Bennet about the impact Black people have and the importance of remembering this daily
7:20 - Break with food and refreshments
8:00 - NickDaPoet
8:10 - Talk from Gracia about her involvement within the SU and setting up her business with the Universities Speed program.
8:30 -Living waters Drama piece on everyday Black issues.
8:40 - Ebenezer Comedian.
8:50 - BM4RK
9:10 - Sophie Lou
9:30 - Cariss Auburn
Please bring your student card for admittance.