Institute of Sport and Human Sciences Updates

End of timetabled teaching update

I started last week by having a 1 to 1 with my boss. We discussed important things that are happening within the university and students union. 

As school reps we were fortunate enough to meet with Julia Clarke to discuss the universities substragery, from a student’s perspective. This is a fantastic opportunity and I was very excited to be involved! The university is very receptive to students and the SUs feedback, which is a great quality of theirs!

We had an overall team meeting with all the course reps, where we discussed all kinds of things!

I had my own course’s committee meeting. As a course rep its extremely important to attend, your feedback is extremely valuable and its a great chance to speak to key members in your department. 

I had several business meetings this week for my business which have all been extremely exciting! Hopefully I’ll be able to tell you all about it soon! 

As school reps we were invited to a university branding meeting, again extremely exciting and I’m so glad the university is receptive to our feedback. We had a look at new designs for a new project! All will be revealed soon!

I produced by FASEC report! The last one of this academic year! 

As I’ve been super busy with work, assignment and running my own business I thought id give some good productivity tips: 

  • Laptop notifications on do not distrub so I do not get interpreted by emails and only do them in my allocated working hours 
  • Ive put limits on apps such as social media and clothing shops! I’ve found that limiting my time on instagram has improved my wellbeing. 
  • I now start the day by reading some of my book (make sure your book is not related to your course this is important) this gets me in the right mindset!
  • REST! Yes being productivity means taking the time to rest!
  • I make sure I allocate enough time to work out, this makes me feel good!
  • When cooking dinner I prepare lunch for the following day.
  • I always have water nearby to ensure I get my 2 litres a day.