School of Mathematics and Computer Science Updates

Did someone say . . . VIRUS!

Well for my latest update I am going just to say one thing. It will be ok! As long as we all follow the guidelines set out by the NHS, the British bulldog spirit will see us through.

As Churchill so eloquently put it

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight the virus on the beaches; we shall fight the virus on the landing grounds, we shall fight the virus in the fields and the streets, we shall fight the virus in the hills; we shall never surrender to Covid-19!!

After that rousing speech, I want to assure all students that the university is doing its best to protect you.   School representatives and we are STILL HERE TO SUPPORT YOU!!

The university page for information around Coronavirus (Covid-19) is

Please don’t hesitate to contact the school reps if you have any issues with offline learning or any problems with any aspect of your education please do get in touch. We are here for you!

In other news . . .

  • I am still responding to all comments sent to me.
  • I am still raising and logging all incidents sent to me.
  • I am still reading your e-mails.
  • Please do check CANVAS and e-mails, as although the university is shut for face to face meetings, learning and lectures are still ongoing!

As a snapshot in the last week, I have raised four issues on behalf of the students within the School of Maths and Computer Science.

If you need to contact me for any reason use my “work” e-mail address

*** Breaking News ***

A plea from the Academic Staff, they are working hard behind the scenes to answer all your legitimate concerns. However, with the scale of the number of students and the complexity of redoing a lot of the planning, it is taking them longer to respond than usual, so a bit of patience would be great. You will get answers . . . . soon™

In the meantime, I hope you all take care of yourselves and I look forward to seeing everyone as soon as things get back to normal