School of Humanities Updates

Changes for the University

Hi Everyone,

As you know the world is changing. We are slowly coming out of lockdown and it looks like we will be able to actually enjoy the summer before we all return to university. But the university will not be as it once was. There are many changes happening to how university life is structured. You will experience a range of blended learning with both on and off campus learning. You will hopefully be hearing updates about this in the following weeks.

Here are some useful links from university news that you may find useful:

During this time, I have also been very busy. I have been involved in a work stream meeting on Teaching and Assessment so I have first-hand experience of seeing what the university’s plans are and how they are dealing with them. I have also been invited too discuss plans for fresher’s week. Freshers will be going virtual but that does not mean it will not be an enjoyable experience. All the school reps have also continued to participate in lunch time lives on Facebook. I went live last week to talk about stress and anxiety and this can still be viewed by going to the school reps Facebook page.

In the meantime, everyone please continue to stay safe and enjoy this hot weather before it turns to rain.

Thank you,

Emily Banks

School Rep for Humanities.