School of Humanities Updates

Stay Safe and don't give up!

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a peaceful Easter and an enthusiastic start back to virtual university.

Unfortunately, we are still in lockdown with no clear answer of when we will be out. There is no clear answer of whether life will ever get back to normal. Will university even start back as normal face to face learning in September. If we think too hard on these questions we will begin to panic!

We must remember to take each day as it comes and appreciate the positives of the day: We have extra time to focus on getting the best possible grade in all our assignments, lectures continue to be there for a support and the school reps are still present for all students.

However, as well as studying very hard it is also important to take a break. Enjoy that 1 hour of exercise that we are aloud to do outside! Actually, being able to just go for a walk can change your attitude to the day and make you feel refreshed. As long as you remember to stay safe and stay 2 metres apart from anyone.

These are difficult times, but they will begin to improve.

Stay safe,
