School of Humanities Updates

Its a Hard Life

Hi everyone,

Well Done, your surviving!

However, lock down is still upon us and it seems life is getting harder. The shopping ques, cancelled get togethers, social distancing, no pubs and worst of all, no McDonalds ?  Who would have thought just staying indoors would be so difficult. It feels like we are all trapped in our own homes and all freedom is lost.

But I want to remind everyone that its not so bad. Take your daily dose of exercise in the outside world and enjoy the spring coming through and remember, this will not last for ever. We have to stay strong and keep carrying on, but most importantly, staying safe.

Many of you will hopefully have had updates about the university regarding how exams and assignments will go ahead and how the library is doing everything they can to supply students with online resources. The changes are not to everyone’s taste but the university is doing what they can. The Student Union is also working very hard behind the scenes to stay connected with students. So please don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Twitter to find out what they are doing and how you can get involved.

Also, please remember that the school reps are still here for everyone. What ever the query or problem. Do not hesitate to contact me on and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. You are not alone.

Thank you, please stay safe and stay at home,

Emily ??