School of Humanities Updates

One Very Busy School Rep

Hi Everyone, 

As many of you may already know, I am your School Rep for Humanities. Hopefully you will have seen my posters around the university (I Know, I look amazing in that picture).

I would like to let you all know that I have been very busy in my first few weeks as school rep. I have been around the university meeting students and gathering all your feedback and attending many meetings to vioce all your concerns. (So many meetings!) However, your feedback is incredibly useful to the university and without it, change cannot happen. If there is anything that you are unsatisfied with regarding your course or the Campus experience then please share this with me and I will work to make your student experience better. 

It is also fantastic to get postive feedback. The university does like to know what there doing right as well as wrong.

I look forward to meeting many more of you in the following weeks and if you keep checking my blog, I will let you know where I am and what I am doing at your university. 

Thank you,

Emily :)