Business School Updates

New Update

Hi All.

This is a new week update of what I have been upto this week. 
As we all know our University have decided to stop all face-to-face teaching and assessments from 18th of March becuase of COVID-19. This has a very big effect on all students as some of us may be confused and worried that dates for any assigments or examination may be affected and the fact that majority of uni resources are not available for student use. If you have any questions related to the univeristy closure or you are worried about how this will affect your studies please contact me on my email: 

As this week I have decided to focus on the problem of sandwich placement and as a result of Univeristy stopping face to face contact me and Head of Business School cannot proceed with any meeting with career's office regarding sandwich placements. I have contatced the Head of Business School to contact me with an alternative plan of how we can solve this issue and gather the opinion of career office on this matter.