Candidate for the position of Non-Portfolio Rep



I’m Sufia Rahim and I am passionate third year law student I have a strong will to become a non-portfolio rep. I am positive that I could make a difference by helping students. To me, helping fellows to co-operate is not a job, but fun mostly. I like the feeling of being needed by others. I think that there are issues with the university and I'd like to work on these issues to be resolved. For example  get up to date library books to help students rather than students having to pay so much money for new books. I’ve been a course rep for two years now and so I’m considering going for this role with the same determination and honesty. I am the treasurer of the Bar and Mooting Society, and student Law representative and so have dealt  with a variety of issues and  have developed many skills such as being more confident, being more alert to issues around me to do this role.  I want to make sure that students have the best time possible while at University.

 If I can be selected as the Rep, I will do my best to help everyone making sure nobody is feeling difficulty And most importantly, always have a smile on my face. All in all, my main goal is to boost the relations between students, and have them help each other to the benefit of everyone. For these reasons you should vote me, Sufia Rahim- number 1 for non-portfolio rep.